
Juncker marks EU disaster for UK

Miliband and Clegg, true to past sneaky form, try to score political points against David Cameron over the EU Juncker fiasco.

Small Business News from Matt Hancock MP - Minister for Skills & Enterprise

"The butcher at the end of the road, the local pub, the factory on the outskirts of town.It’s small businesses like these that are creating jobs across the country, and giving more and more people the security of a pay packet each month.We’re backing them wherever we can: cutting the jobs tax, getting rid of red tape, improving the infrastructure which is vital to their business."Let's make sure we support small businesses at local level in Blackpool - if we don't use small traders we will lose them forever. Shop local! Support and suggest local independent cafes, guest houses and hotels to friends and family visiting Blackpool.

PM Supports Blackpool

Blackpool welcomes the support of the Prime Minister and his appreciation of the emergency services and their hard work during the difficult storms and the damage left in its wake.
In Blackpool to hear from firefighters about how they helped people hit by the massive storms this week.

Labour & Balls in Economic Denial

"After more encouraging economic news, meaning more jobs and financial security for hardworking people, it's clear the biggest risk to the recovery is Same Old Labour." Prime Minister, David Cameron.
We cannot let Labour ruin the economy again - Balls is in complete denial over the mess he left behind at the treasury. Make sure nobody forgets this terrible, toxic legacy.

Labour's Decline Continues

 Let's make sure that Labour are held to account for the decisions they make on behalf of Blackpool and its population. Let 2014 be the year that will see residents stand up and say "enough is enough"! We need a bright future not further decline and waste.
Blackpool Evening Gazette Letters: 'So, Labour Council Leader, Simon Blackburn, can only utter on the local news how "incomprehensible" it is that cuts are being faced by the council. Adding with odd surprise that Blackpool is a "deprived area" after all.

Has he ever wondered, along with Gordon Marsden MP, how Blackpool has gone from thriving to deprived? Do they have no plan to create savings and prevent waste in council spending to secure as many jobs as possible?

I find it incomprehensible that that is all Simon Blackburn can find to say. Blackpool needs a positive plan of action to save waste and create growth in the local economy...They fiddle their fingers and blame everyone but themselves whilst Blackpool slides further into decline - if they are not up to the job they should stand aside and allow people with a plan and vision to take charge.'  David Slattery-Christy

Prime Minister on Europe Fears

 I share people's concerns about immigration and spell out plans to beef up our benefits system in the Financial Times today:

Tribute to Margaret Thatcher 1925-2013

 A tribute film to Margaret Thatcher - our greatest peacetime Prime Minister - featuring contributions from those who served in her governments and worked alongside her, and those whose lives were influenced by her. May her legacy and influence guide the party in the difficult days ahead for our country, europe and the wider world.

Key Achievements Under This Government

The world has changed. Britain is in a global race.
To succeed in that race, we are backing people who want to work hard and get on in life.
We are on the right track – we’ve cut the deficit by a third, helped businesses to create 1.3 million new jobs and we’re fixing welfare to make work pay.Same old Labour oppose everything we have done to turn our economy around, cut the deficit and fix welfare to make sure work pays.
It is the same old Labour party which has only one idea: more spending, more borrowing and more debt. Exactly what got us into this mess in the first place. And by opposing every single measure we’ve taken to turn the country around, Ed Miliband has shown he’s a weak leader who cannot stand up for hardworking people.

Giving Patients a Greater Voice in the NHS

"With the Friends and Family Test, we now have a single measure that looks at the quality of care across the country," said the Prime Minister.The first results from the NHS Friends and Family Test are published today.The test asks patients whether they would recommend A&E and inpatient wards to their loved ones based on their own experience. It will grow into the most comprehensive ever undertaken, and covers around 4,500 NHS wards and 144 A&E services. It allows hospital trusts to gain real time feedback on their services down to individual ward level and increases the transparency of NHS data to improve choice and quality.The test was first announced by the Prime Minister in January 2012 and means that patients will now have a real voice in deciding whether their care is good enough or not – and hospitals will be able to take swift action to make any necessary improvements.  

PM Celebrates as NHS is 65 Today

  To mark the occasion, the Prime Minister said:
“Our National Health Service is one of the most precious institutions we have. We all know it, because all of us have been touched by it. I will never forget the care my son Ivan received and the inspirational people who helped Sam and me through some of the most difficult times. The consultants, the community nurses, the care team – every one of them became part of our lives. When you have experienced support and dedicated professional care like that, you know just how incredibly special the NHS is.”